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One of the most common places in the home for water damage is a ceiling. Water tanks are usually positioned at the highest point in the home. Water pipes can split, burst and leak, with damage caused by icing and thawing or aging. Rainwater has an uncanny habit of finding its way through the smallest roof defect. It pools, and then seeps through your ceiling.

A water damaged ceiling is a repair that fills most people with dread. The repair is up high, and that could mean back-breaking work. But if you know how to repair water damaged ceilings easily, you won’t have to spend hours looking up, stretching, and bending over backwards.

How to repair a water damaged ceiling in six easy steps

1.     Find the source of the water and fix it

Before you start the repair, find the source of the water problem. If it’s a leak in the plumbing, get this fixed before attempting to repair the water damaged ceiling. Otherwise you’ll make the repair and the problem will return. You’ll be surprised how many people make this mistake.

2.     Dry out the affected area

With the leak repaired, dry out the affected area. Mold is hazardous to your health, so remove mold immediately before it has a chance to grow and flourish.

3.     Check and cut

Check above and around the area of water damage to ensure that there are no electric cables, water pipes, or structural supports hiding where you’re about to cut.

Cut out the damaged patch of ceiling, in a square or rectangle with two or three inches of space between the cut and the water damage. A good utility knife should be adequate for this job.

4.     Prepare

Sand down the area around the hole that you have cut out, and make sure that it is smooth and free from bubbling or ridging. Mark where the joists are.

5.     Cut and attach

Cut a piece of drywall the size of the hole. You want this as tight as possible, so it’s best to cut a little larger and sand down to size.

With the new patch in place, locate the joists with the marks you made earlier, and screw or nail the drywall patch in place. The screws or nails should be six inches apart.

6.     Seal and make good

Sand the area to a smooth finish, and paint over the joints with a joint compound (or joint tape).

Paint the area with a primer, and then paint to the color and finish that melds with the rest of the ceiling.

This simple method will help you to avoid making the common mistakes that people make when repairing water damaged drywall. If the damage to your ceiling is more extensive than a small patch, or if you’re unsure of how to locate electric cables or water pipes before starting the repair, give us a call. We’ll be pleased to give advice and a free quote.

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