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When it comes to repairing water damaged firewall there is little else more frustrating… except, perhaps, watching paint dry.  There are many mistakes that inexperienced ‘do-it-yourselfers’ make, and knowing what these are will help you to avoid them.

Mistake #1 – Repairing water damaged drywall without correcting the cause

It is possible that your drywall is simply old and needs some patching. However, there is likely to be a cause behind the damage. This cause could be down to structural issues or dampness. It is important to fix the root cause before patching the drywall, otherwise you’ll be faced with the same problem again in a few months’ time and you’ll be forever repairing water damaged drywall.

Mistake #2 – Not taking an organized approach

Organizing your DIY projects is key. Before you think about repairing a water damaged drywall, get your tape measure and all equipment and materials ready. You don’t want to get half way through and then have to hunt for a piece of equipment that is needed.

Mistake #3 – Incorrect Patch Size

Ever heard of the phrase ‘slap dash’? Assess the problem area and by using a square or rectangular shape, cut around the damaged drywall. By doing so you will create less hassle and mess. It will be easier to cut and fit the patch on your plaster ceiling.

Mistake #4 - Securing the Patch incorrectly

When you remove part of the drywall to prepare it, you need to be sure there’s something to which you can attach the patch. Ensure the drywall patch is slightly smaller than the area you have just cut away, that way you can be rest assured that the patch should fit perfectly.

Once cutting the damage away, and cutting the correct size patch, it is very important to attach the patch properly. See here for the way to fix it.

Mistake #5 – Not blending the patch in correctly

When repairing water damaged drywall, you don’t just stop at ‘patching it up’. The next step is to cover the gap around the drywall using drywall tape. Following this, cover the tape with drywall compound. You then need to ensure the patch is the same level as the plaster ceiling, by applying the compound slowly and evenly and sanding to a smooth finish. After this has set, now you are ready to apply paint, and finally watch the paint dry.

For more information, contact us today – we’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and will be happy to help.

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