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Three natural solutions to kill mold on carpets

If you have suffered a flood in your home, part of the aftermath may be the need to clean mold from carpets. Similarly, if your home or office suffers from high humidity, you may find the flooring suffers from mold.

Whatever the reason for your mold problem, you’ll want to get rid of it quickly. Mold – especially black mold – can cause or worsen a range of health issues and conditions. These include headaches, rashes and fatigue, as well as worsening respiratory conditions such as asthma.

In this article, you’ll learn about natural DIY cleaners that will help to get rid of mold, including why they work and how to use them.

DIY carpet cleaner #1: Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has both antifungal and antimicrobial properties, and these help kill mold quickly.

Mix 10 to 12 drops in a cup of water. Put the solution into a spray bottle, and spray it directly onto the mold. Leave for a few hours, and then scrub with a clean, damp cloth. Spray with the solution again, and dab off.

The downside to this DIY carpet cleaner is the cost – tea tree oil can be expensive, though you shouldn’t need to use much to clean a small patch of mold.

DIY carpet cleaner #2: Vinegar

Vinegar is acidic and antimicrobial, and breaks up mold.

Use white vinegar straight from the bottle. Spray it on, and dab it off with a clean, damp cloth. It really is as easy as that.

On the downside, the smell of vinegar can be overpowering. If you find this, you could try mixing with some essential oils to mask the odor.

DIY carpet cleaner #3: Hydrogen peroxide

Antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral, hydrogen peroxide works by oxidising the mold. This breaks it up and makes it easy to clean away.

Mix a single teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in one cup of water, and pour into a spray bottle. Spray onto the mold, and allow to soak in for around 10 minutes. Spray a little of the solution onto a clean cloth, and dab up the solution on the carpet.

A hydrogen peroxide solution is one of the best ways to tackle a small area of mold on a carpet. However, it is also more likely to discolor the fibers.

Always do a spot test

Whichever DIY carpet cleaner you plan to use, you should always conduct a spot test on a concealed part of carpet. Your carpet’s fibers may react adversely. The last thing you want is to clean the mold away and ruin your carpet when you do so.

Add a little fizz to your mold removal

Once you have removed the mold using one of the above three DIY carpet cleaners, a good idea is to finish off using a little baking soda. This is a natural disinfectant, and so will help to give a deep clean to your mold removal efforts.

Mix a half tablespoon of baking soda and a cup of water together. Pour into a spray bottle and spray the area you have just cleaned. Scrub clean to make sure that you have killed and removed all the mold.

And finally…

Mold doesn’t just appear; there is always an underlying cause. To ensure that your mold problem does not return, you must tackle the underlying problem. There may be a leak or damp problem that needs eliminating. Commonly – especially where mold has been found in basements – dehumidifiers may be needed to reduce the humidity level to below the level at which mold thrives.

For larger mold infestations

These three DIY carpet cleaners should get rid of a small mold infestation from your carpet. However, if the mold problem is larger, you should call a mold specialist to take a look at the situation. They will be able to deal with the mold and the underlying cause, and provide advice on how to ensure the mold does not return.

If you have a mold infestation that is proving difficult to eradicate in NJ, contact Porter’s Cleaning today. We’ll be happy to provide a free quote and help kill the mold from your carpets and elsewhere.

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