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Tips to identify, remove and prevent black mold

Black mold thrives best in damp places, and wood is porous enough to lock in the moisture that black mold spores crave. Hence, all wooden furniture, decking and cladding are susceptible to mold, but especially so if:

  • Your home is hot and humid
  • You live in a wet environment
  • Your property suffers from condensation, poor drainage, or poor ventilation

In this article, you’ll learn three things:

  • How to spot black mold on wood
  • The best way to kill black mold on wood
  • Five tips to prevent black mold attacking your wood surfaces

How do you know you have black mold on wood in your home?

Mold attacks wood gradually and is easily mistaken for natural coloration. As you live with the wood constantly, you might not readily identify these changes. If you suspect that your wood is being attacked by black mold, collect photographic evidence weekly. What you are looking for is:

  • Black spots dotted on the wood
  • Green streaks
  • White discoloration

Many different types of mold appear black, but genuine black mold is the most dangerous. The best course of action is to treat all mold as hazardous to health and remove it quickly.

The best way to kill black mold on wood

There are many products that will kill mold, but not all are the wisest choice for wood. You want to get rid of the mold, not permanently damage the wood as you do so. Therefore, you should avoid products and solutions that are abrasive or corrosive. To remove mold from drywall, you might use hydrogen peroxide or baking soda. Wood surfaces respond best to bleach, dishwashing detergent, or distilled white vinegar. The best way to kill black mold on wood depends on what type of wood surface you need to treat.

·       Killing mold on wood furniture

Use diluted dishwashing detergent or diluted bleach and wipe down the furniture. Make sure the room is well ventilated to help the wood dry as quickly as possible. Repeat as necessary.

·       Killing mold on a wood floor

Remove all furniture from the floor to expose the mold. Using either diluted bleach, diluted dishwashing detergent, or distilled white vinegar, scrub the mold infection. Wipe away, and then allow to dry.

You may also need to treat the furniture before replacing, as the mold infestation may have spread. If you replace furniture that has hidden mold, your floor will soon become moldy again.

·       Killing mold on wood decking and cladding

The best way to kill black mold on wood decking and cladding is to use a similar process to the one used to eliminate mold from wood floors. Take care not to use a cleaning solution that will harm your plants.

Once you have cleaned the mold away and the decking or cladding is dry, you should protect the wood with a protective coating such as varnish.

Stay safe when killing black mold on wood

There are many health hazards associated with black mold – including respiratory issues and skin irritations. Therefore, you should take the following precautions when tackling mold:

  • Use an air mask
  • Wear rubber gloves
  • Wear safety goggles
  • Use a soft scrub brush only
  • Throw away sponges after use

Five tips to prevent black mold growth on wood

Once you have removed your black mold problem, you should take measures to ensure it does not return. These five mold prevention tips will help in your fight to eliminate mold from your wood for good:

  • Inspect your roof and make repairs before the rainiest season starts
  • Keep your home well ventilated, by opening windows whenever possible
  • Use an air filter to remove mold spores
  • Inspect your home for mold every three months
  • Use dehumidifiers to reduce excess moisture in the air in your home

Mold is unsightly, it will destroy wood, and it can also be dangerous to your health. Remember to always take precautions when removing black mold from wood. You don’t want to breath in the spores, and nor do you want to spread them.

If you have a large mold infestation in NJ or are unsure of the type of mold and how best to kill it, contact Porter’s Cleaning. We’ll come and inspect and provide a quote to kill it. We’ll discuss what techniques we’ll use, and we’ll tell you how to prevent the mold from returning.

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