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Could engineered hardwood flooring be the best solution for your home?

Hardwood floors add a timeless quality to a home. They last a lifetime – longer, if well maintained – and can be selected according to your personal style choice to complement the rest of your home. These floors are more versatile than other flooring options, and the latest engineered hardwood flooring will remain in tune with your internal decoration and furniture choices.

However, installing engineered hardwood flooring is more expensive than many other flooring types, and it can be difficult. If you are considering investing in a new hardwood floor, here are the engineered hardwood flooring pros and cons you should bear in mind.

What is engineered hardwood flooring?

Engineered hardwood flooring is made from several thin layers of wood. The inner layers are made of hardwood, fibrewood or plywood. The outer veneers are made of the wood you most desire. The way it is manufactured in layers gives engineered hardwood greater stability. The outer layer gives you the finish you want.

The pros of engineered hardwood floors

In the manufacturing process, engineered hardwood produces less waste than traditional hardwood flooring. In part, this is because it is sliced rather than sawn. Therefore, it produces little sawdust. More of the tree can be used meaningfully, with less waste.

Additionally, fewer hardwood trees are used in the manufacturing process because the inner layers are drawn from non-hardwood trees. Therefore, the manufacturing process uses more easily replenishable trees and fewer slower-growing hardwood trees.

Other benefits of hardwood flooring include:

  • It is available in a wide variety of finishes, letting you more easily match to your own style
  • Engineered hardwood floors are easy to maintain
  • Hardwood floors are more durable than other flooring options
  • The layers resist moisture and add greater stability to your floor
  • Engineered hardwood flooring reduces the moisture problems that some hardwood floors suffer from
  • It is easier to install than traditional hardwood flooring

The cons of engineered hardwood floors

There are far fewer disadvantages associated with engineered hardwood flooring. However, this doesn’t mean that it will be the right choice for you. The cons of engineered hardwood flooring are that:

  • It is more expensive than many other types of flooring, such as laminate and carpet.
  • If the veneer is too thin, then refinishing may be prevented. Refinishing can double the lifetime of a hardwood floor.
  • If a manufacturer uses substandard wood, then the floor will be less stable and of poorer quality.

Does an engineered hardwood floor give value for money?

An engineered hardwood floor can be excellent value for money. To ensure that it is, you should make certain that you invest in a hardwood floor from a reputable manufacturer who uses the best components to produce the best product – a manufacturer such as Mannington.

Engineered hardwood flooring is easier to install than traditional hardwood floors. If you are a competent DIYer, you may decide to attempt the installation yourself. However, you shouldn’t overstretch your capability. Hiring professionals to do the job for you will ensure you get a perfect finish, and that your investment doesn’t disappoint in any way.

For help choosing the best flooring option for your lifestyle, home and budget, contact Porter's today.

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