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Accidents occur, but you can fix linoleum and make it last even longer

Linoleum flooring is a popular choice for many homeowners, especially in kitchens and bathrooms. It’s highly affordable and very durable. In fact, it’s so durable that most homeowners will replace linoleum not because it’s worn, but because the pattern has gone out of fashion. However, like all flooring, you must treat it correctly to help it last.

Linoleum flooring can be accidentally ripped. If this happens, even a small rip can then develop into a large tear. This will make your floor vulnerable to water damage, and people vulnerable to tripping. To avoid the problems that such damage could cause, follow the steps outlined below to repair your linoleum floor.

How to fix a small rip

Fixing a small rip in linoleum is relatively easy. The sooner you make the repair, the easier it is to fix:

  • Moisten a cloth with acetone, and use to clean the area around the rip
  • Use liquid seam sealer to fill the rip
  • Put a heavy object on the repair and leave to dry

10 steps to repair a larger rip in linoleum flooring

For a larger rip, you will need to replace a section of the linoleum. You should keep all the scraps of linoleum when it is fitted for this reason. It’s also a wise move to order a meter length more than you need, so you have plenty of spare linoleum for repairs.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. You need to cut a square piece of linoleum from your spare linoleum around the rip. Leave at least an inch around the rip. Cutting a square piece will make the repair easier.
  2. Place the spare linoleum on the floor on top of the rip. Make sure the pattern aligns, with the new piece overlapping the rip. Cut a straight edge along one side, and cut through the new piece and the original linoleum.
  3. Now, ensuring that the pattern along the cut edge remains aligned, cut the other three edges to form your square patch.
  4. Lift the damaged patch out.
  5. Scrape away all adhesive from the floor, so that the floor is smooth.
  6. Apply new linoleum adhesive to the floor. Make sure that you spread right up to the cut edges.
  7. Place the new patch into the hole, and push down to fix the adhesive.
  8. Put a piece of wax paper over the patch, then place a heavy weight on it. Leave for at least 24 hours.
  9. Remove the weight and the wax paper.
  10. Seal the patch joints with a liquid seam sealer, recover with wax paper, and replace the heavy weight for another 24 hours. When fully dry, remove the weight and the wax paper.

You’ll now have a seamless repair that even you won’t be able to spot!

Linoleum flooring will last for years, and this repair strategy will help extend its life when accidents occur. If you do need to replace linoleum flooring, perhaps to bring your home up to date, we’d recommend you switch to luxury vinyl flooring. It comes in a huge range of styles and patterns, is super durable like linoleum, and is perfect for every room in the modern home.

For all your flooring needs, don’t hesitate to contact Porter's. We’ll bring our expertise and experience to the table, and help you get the longest life from your flooring.

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