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A little while back, we produced an easy-to-follow guide to what to do if you find mold in your apartment. In this article, I want to look specifically at how to kill mold in carpet and also how to make sure it doesn’t return.

The cause of mold on carpets

First, here’s a sad fact: you’ll never get rid of mold spores completely. They’re everywhere. But if you know the type of environment in which they thrive, then you can make sure your environment (your home) isn’t set up to encourage the growth of mold. This is the beginning and end of how to kill mold in carpet: it will have bloomed because your home is perfect for its growth, and you’ll stop it from returning by making sure your home isn’t inviting it in.

So, if you have a room that suffers from:

  • humid conditions;
  • poor air flow;
  • dampness (perhaps caused by a water leak)

then it’s likely you’re going to suffer from mold.

How to kill mold in carpet in seven simple steps

So, you’ve found black mold on your carpet. Provided it’s not widespread and only affecting a small patch, then it’s possible to clean rather than replace. But if the mold covers a sizeable patch, you’ll need to throw the carpet out, take precautions against mold returning, and then replace the carpet. Here’s how to kill mold in carpet:

  1. Use appropriate safety clothing (including masks) and remove the carpet to your driveway or other large outside space.
  2. Hose down with water.
  3. Make up a solution of a ¼ tablespoon of baking soda to ¾ water in a spray bottle, and apply to the affected area.
  4. Scrub well with a scrubbing brush.
  5. Hose down with water, making sure all the cleaning solution is removed.
  6. Leave to dry for at least 24 hours.
  7. Only put back in your room once the carpet is completely dry, and having taken the necessary steps to prevent mold returning.

How to prevent the mold returning

Now you’ve killed the mold in your carpet; but if you put it back into the old environment, that mold will simply return (and quickly). So here’s how to prevent this happening:

Keep an air conditioner running to reduce humidity, or place a dehumidifier in the room (and empty it at regular intervals).

Repair the underlying problem – for example, a problem with flooding, a leaking water pipe, or a roof leak. Once the problem is fixed, make sure that there are no other wet or damp items left in the room − mold spores will germinate and multiply in less than 24 hours.

  • Keep the room ventilated. Open windows a little to let air in, or use a fan to circulate air.
  • Remove houseplants (they retain moisture).
  • Let in sunlight (mold thrives in dark conditions).
  • Watch out for signs of mold and take action immediately. These signs include: a dank, stale smell; stains on walls; loose drywall tape; increased signs of allergy.

Remember, the earlier you take action on how to kill mold in carpet, the greater the chance of removing it.

If you’re still not sure how to kill mold in carpet, or want advice on how to stop it from returning, call an expert. Contact us today – we’re available 24/7 and we’ll be happy to help.

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