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How much it costs to install hardwood floors is not the only deciding factor

When you consider the features of different types of flooring, hardwood floors offer great value for money. A hardwood floor is modern, stylish, durable, easy to clean, adaptable to space, and a great long-term investment. However, hardwood flooring costs a little more than other types of flooring. To reduce the cost, you may consider installing hardwood flooring yourself. This article will help you decide whether this could be a good decision.

How much does it cost to install hardwood floors?

The cost to install hardwood floors depends on several factors. The two largest costs are the cost of the floor itself, and the cost of installation. It also depends upon where you live and how complex your flooring project is. If the project includes repairing the subfloor, removing and replacing furniture, taking away old carpet, and leveling floors, the cost of installation will rise.

However, according to HomeAdvisor, the cost of hardwood flooring ranges between $3 per square foot and $13 per square foot, depending on type and style of hardwood flooring you select. On top of this, installation costs can add another $10 per square foot. With installation costs totaling to such a large proportion of the total cost, it’s tempting to consider whether you should do the installation work yourself.

Factors to consider before installing hardwood flooring yourself

If you could install the floor yourself, you could save the labor costs of installation and spend it on a higher grade of hardwood floor or add this saving to your investment account. If only it were that easy! Here are some other factors you need to consider before attempting to install a hardwood floor.

·       How good are your carpentry skills?

You’ll need to use cutting tools, and your carpentry skills will need to be good enough for the complexity of your flooring project. Plus, depending on the type of hardwood floor you choose, the method of installation will be slightly different.

·       Do you have the tools to install?

Hardwood floors are installed using three different methods: they may be nailed or stapled; they could be glued down; or they could be installed as a floating floor.

Each type of installation has its own challenges, and you may need specialist tools (such as pneumatic nail guns) to complete the flooring project. If you don’t possess these tools, you’ll need to hire them.

How good are you at using circular saws, jigsaws, pneumatic nail guns, hammers, etc.?

·       Do you have the time?

Professionals install floors every day of the week. With training and repetition, they make the job look easy, and take half the time (or less) than even a competent DIYer. And once the floor is laid, you may need to sand and finish, as well as stain and varnish.

Should you install your new hardwood floor?

When you do a good job of installing a hardwood floor, you’ll have a constant reminder of the work you did. When friends visit and remark on the quality, you will swell with pride. The memory of the hard work and long hours will fade. Then there is the money you may have saved.

However, you only get one chance with each plank you lay. If your carpentry skills are lacking, you could find that the floor is less than perfect. Any defect will bug you. With the cost of your time, tool hire, and mistakes to consider, installing your own hardwood floor may not be the best choice for you.

For help making the decision between different flooring options, contact Porter's today. We’ll help you answer the questions you need and find the best flooring solution within your budget – including installation.

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