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You’ve been away for a few weeks. You had a great time. But when you return home you discover that your leather couch is covered in mold. You panic, fearful that the mold will have destroyed your expensive piece of furniture. You pour hot water into a bowl, pick up an old rag, and start scrubbing. When the mold is gone, you use a hairdryer to dry the leather. 

You stand back, and admire your work. Phew! It took a little elbow grease, but you’ve done it. A couple of days later, you notice the leather is cracked. That’s because you dried it too quickly. A day or two after this, you notice the mold has returned. Your beautiful couch looks old and beaten up, and is a hotel for mildew. You throw it out, cursing your bad luck.

In this post, you’ll learn an easy way to properly clean your leather couch and remove mold or mildew.

Avoid the most common mistake when cleaning mold from a leather couch

If you discover mold or mildew on your leather couch, don’t panic! Take a deep breath, calm down, and assess the situation. If you immediately try to scrub away the mold with warm water, you could:

  • Destroy the look of the strength of the leather by the scrubbing motion
  • Create the environment for mold to grow

Instead of rushing to clean the couch incorrectly, take these steps:

1. Get the right equipment ready

You’ll need: a stiff nylon brush; white vinegar; water; a clean, soft cloth; a vacuum; Simple Green; a fan.

2. Take precautions

Mold is a living thing. Mold spores can be very bad for your health if you inhale them. Wear a mask, an old, long-sleeved shirt that you can afford to throw away, and heavy duty disposable latex gloves.

3. Open windows

Open windows so the room is ventilated.

4. Brush the couch

Using the nylon brush, gently sweep across the affected area of the couch. This will loosen most of the mold. Use the vacuum to suck up this debris, and empty into a heavy duty sack.

5. Clean the leather couch

Mix the vinegar and water in equal measures. Pour a little on the cloth, and gently wipe the surface of the couch.

6. Dry the couch slowly

Stand the fan near the couch, switch it on and ensure it is on ‘swing mode’. This will help dry the couch out gently, without heating up the leather and creating the humidity that encourages mold growth.

Once the couch is clean, what next?

Mold-proof your home, by reducing humidity. Use a dehumidifier, and keep rooms ventilated by opening windows. Mold hates sunshine, too, so let the light in by opening the drapes.

If you do notice any more mold growth, use the above method to clean it away immediately. If the mold becomes embedded in the cushions, you should throw them away without delay.

A word of warning

If you don’t tackle mold correctly, you could cause it to spread. Other areas of your home could be affected, and you could cause more health issues. If you’re in any doubt as to why you have mold, or how to get rid of mold from your furniture, floors or walls, get in touch with Porter’s Cleaning today. We’re available 24/7 and will be pleased to provide a free quote.

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