There was a power cut and you had no electric all night; or perhaps you had a romantic candle-lit dinner at home. Whatever the reason, when the morning sun streams through and you notice a hard lump on the floor, you’re going to need to know how to remove candle wax from carpets.
There’s no need to get the scissors out
The first thing you’ll discover when you know how to get candle wax from carpets is that you won’t need to give it a haircut. You will need a few household items, though, and these are:
- A plastic bag
- Ice
- A dull kitchen knife
- A clean cloth
- A warm iron
A step-by-step guide how to remove candle wax from carpets
Once you have these items to hand, follow this how to remove candle wax from carpets step-by-step guide:
- Put the ice in the plastic bag
- Put the ice-filled plastic bag directly on the stain, and leave for a few minutes
- Remove the ice-filled plastic bag, and start gently scraping the wax away using the dull knife
- Place the clean cloth on the affected area
- Press the warm iron onto the clean cloth. The wax will begin to lift and be absorbed by the cloth
- Repeat steps 1 through 5, using a clean cloth each time
And that’s it! How to remove candle wax from carpets in 6 easy steps.
Of course, the sooner you take this action the better. If you leave wax for days, then you might do best to call a professional rather than try to remove the wax yourself.
After you’ve removed all the candle wax, we’d recommend that you clean your carpet thoroughly using a professional cleaning solution.
If you have any stubborn stains that you’re not sure how to remove, search this blog for the answer. If you can’t find it, then simply get in touch – we’ll be happy to help.