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When Rocky has an accident, there’s no need to panic

We love our dogs, but we don’t love that sometimes they have an accident in the home. Of course, it could be your fault that your pet peed on your most expansive and favorite carpet. Perhaps you were late home from work. How was Rocky supposed to wait that extra hour or so? Your carpet has been stained, and that telltale odor leads you right to the spot.

Here we describe the easiest way to clean dog pee out of carpet.

Rule number 1: Clean dog pee out of carpet as soon as you can

The number one rule with dog pee is to clean it as soon as you can. The unpleasant and distinctive odor is caused by bacteria growing. The longer you leave it the more the bacteria grows; and the stronger and more pungent the odor will become.

Seven steps to cleaning dog pee out of carpet

To do a fast clean of your carpet, you’ll need the following:

  • Paper towels or a clean cloth
  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • A scrubbing brush
  • Baking soda
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • One teaspoon of dishwashing detergent
  • A vacuum cleaner

Step 1:

Take some paper towels or a clean cloth and blot the area. Press firmly down as you do so, to absorb as much dog pee as possible.

Step 2:

Make a solution of 50% water and 50% white vinegar, and pour it on the pee patch. This will help it reach as deeply into the fibers as possible.

Step 3:

Use the scrubbing brush to work the solution into the carpet. The vinegar will help to neutralize the ammonia in the dog pee.

Step 4:

Use more paper towel, or another clean cloth, to blot the patch again as you did in step 1 above.

Step 5:

Allow the carpet to dry.

Step 6:

When dry, sprinkle a couple of handfuls of baking soda onto the stain.

Step 7:

Mix half a cup of the hydrogen peroxide with the dishwashing detergent. Pour onto the stain, and scrub again.

Step 8:

Leave to dry, and then vacuum.

That’s it! Your carpet should be urine stain and odor free. For more carpet cleaning tips, or if your carpet is in need of a professional clean or restoration, contact Porter’s Cleaning

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