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Professional mold removal could be cheaper than DIY mold removal

If you’ve got black mold, you should get rid of it as quickly as possible. While most molds are allergenic and can make existing health issues worse, black mold is toxic. Left to fester and flourish, black mold can be very harmful to your health.

In this article, you’ll learn about the cheapest way to remove black mold, and how much the best black mold remover might cost.

The ‘cheap’ way to remove black mold

In a recent article, I described how to use household products to remove mold. These products include:

  • Bleach
  • White vinegar
  • Tea tree oil
  • Baking soda

These products can be effective and might save you a lot of money when compared to hiring professionals. However, you must make sure that you take the same precautions as the professionals when cleaning black mold away. You must:

  • Seal the area to prevent airborne spores spreading
  • Keep the area ventilated
  • Use fans and vents to carry airborne spores out of your home
  • Wear protective clothing, including gloves, goggles, and masks
  • Treat all affected surfaces

Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, it rarely is.

Know when you need the best black mold remover

The best black mold removers are the professionals. Here at Porter’s Cleaning we have decades of experience of removing mold from homes in New Jersey.

Mold can hide in areas that you can’t reach. It needs three things to thrive: the right temperature, food, and moisture. If you can get rid of one of these, the mold will go. The trouble is that it is extremely difficult to do so:

  • The average house temperature is ideal for black mold
  • Dust and dirt is the food of choice for mold
  • All homes have a certain degree of humidity (60% or more is perfect for mold growth)

How do you know you have a black mold problem?

The first sign that you have a black mold problem is usually the smell. That musty odor is caused by black mold spores eating dust and expelling gas. By the time you notice the odor, those mold spores have probably been eating and multiplying for a couple of days.

The visible mold that you clean away yourself is rarely the whole problem. Black mold lurks in drywall, under baths, in loft spaces, and beneath your carpet.

If you use the cheap household products to remove mold, but the musty smell remains or the mold reappears, or your family’s allergies become worse, it’s a certainty that you haven’t fixed the underlying problem.

Is it time to call in the professionals?

For large black mold infestations or when black mold keeps reappearing, you will need to call in the best black mold remover: the professionals.

We’ll check for mold in places you can’t reach, using state-of-the-art equipment to search within your walls and confined spaces. We’ll remove the mold from your home, identify the underlying causes of your mold problem, and advise on how you can keep the mold away.

How the best black mold remover could be the cheapest to you

The cost to remove mold depends on the extent of your mold problem. The good news is that your insurance may cover this cost – in which case, the cost of the best black mold remover could be little to nothing; perhaps even cheaper than those household products you’re considering using.

If you have a mold problem that you can’t eliminate in NJ, contact Porter’s Cleaning. Discover why our clients consider us to be the best black mold remover in the area.

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