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If your drywall has mold fungus growing on it, you’ll need to remove it quickly. There’s a lot of issues to contend with when there is mold present, and knowing these is a key to knowing how to remove mold from drywall.

Know what to do if you find mold

The first thing to do when you find mold is to stick with some basic strategies to avoid ill-health that mold can cause. These health risks range from mild skin irritations to allergic reactions. It can also cause respiratory problems, especially asthmatic attacks. Ventilate the area, wear masks, gloves, and goggles, and never disturb the mold unnecessarily.

There are also regulations that must be observed when removing mold. Mold spores are easily disturbed and float freely in the air. For areas smaller than 3 feet by 3 feet, you can treat the wall yourself. However, for larger areas its best to get a professional who knows how to remove mold from drywall.

In addition, you should:

  • check with your insurance company that the repair will be covered
  • take actions to prevent the mold from returning

Avoid the common mistakes made when removing mold from drywall

People who don’t know how to remove mold from drywall properly tend to make the same mistakes time and again. These include:

  • thinking you’ve sold the problem
  • using bleach when bleach simply won’t do the job
  • painting over the mold and thinking it will seal it
  • getting ill

How to remove mold from drywall and make the repair

To remove mold from drywall, you’ll need to remove the piece affected:

  • Mark around the affected area and cut out (leaving at least 12 inches all the way round)
  • Remove all rogue nails and screws
  • Cut a new piece of drywall to size, a little smaller than the hole
  • Use drywall nails or screws to fix the new section (you’ll need someone to help with this). Or you could use drywall fasteners to do the job.
  • Tape the cracks that are left
  • Paint to finish

Not everyone is a DIY expert, and if you’re not sure how to remove mold from drywall and make the repair it’s best to call an expert. If you’re in this position, feel free to contact us: we’ll assess the job and provide a free quote before starting any work.

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