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How to avoid mold returning after it has been removed

A basement is one of the most likely rooms in the house to suffer from a mold problem. When tackling basement mold removal, DIY mistakes must be avoided. If they aren’t, you risk the mold returning time and again. You also risk damaging your health.

In this article, we outline the six most common mistakes made by DIYers when they attempt to remove mold from basements.

#1: Not using personal protective equipment

Mold spores are easily spread, and they can be hazardous to health. They can cause respiratory issues, skin irritations, eye irritation, and more. Therefore, it is essential to take the right precautions when cleaning mold in your basement, and wear personal protective clothing (PPE) including a mask or respirator, overalls, gloves and goggles.

#2: Not using the right equipment

Apart from PPE, you may need to use some specialized equipment to help in the clean-up process. Such equipment includes a HEPA vacuum and HEPA filtration system, depending upon the extent of the mold infestation and size of basement.

#3: Not preventing the mold from spreading during clean-up

Mold spores are easily dislodged, they’re tiny, and, when airborne, they travel with airflow. Therefore, it is important to ensure that mold spores aren’t allowed to infest elsewhere. Vents, windows and doors should be sealed, and carpet and furniture should be covered.

#4: Neglecting carpets

If you find mold on your basement walls, it is possible that it may have already affected your carpet. If it has, you must tackle it without delay. If the carpet is badly affected, it may be necessary to remove the carpet entirely – don’t forget to check under the carpet, too.

#5: Not drying walls properly

Mold loves damp conditions. If you have removed the mold from your basement walls but failed to dry the walls properly, the mold will soon reappear.

#6: Not preventing the mold from returning

Once you have removed the mold from your basement, you’ll need to take action to prevent it from returning. This includes:

  • Finding and fixing the problem that is causing the dampness that mold thrives on
  • Ensuring that your basement is well ventilated
  • Using dehumidifiers and fans
  • Ensure that the basement is waterproof

If you discover mold in your basement, it could be a sign that you have a more serious problem. You may have issues with the foundations or leaking water pipes. The secret is to discover what is causing your mold problem, remove the mold, and eliminate the underlying cause.

In NJ, contact Porter’s Cleaning. We’ll be happy to provide a quote for mold removal and any remedial work that is needed to prevent mold from returning.

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